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E&S Planbau Kühturmbau GmbH
Resselstr. 12
45663 Recklinghausen

Commercial register: HR B 1742
Register court: AG Recklinghausen

Represented by:
Rolf Edlinger


Telephone: +49 (0)2361-65854-0
Fax: +49 (0)2361-65854-20

VAT registration number

VAT registration number according to § 27a VAT law:
DE 126339097

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
Please find our email in the impressum/legal notice.

Consumer dispute resolution/alternative dispute resolution body

We do not take part in online dispute resolutions at consumer arbitration boards.

Image Sources

This website uses images from the following photographers off the website:
Christian Lue, Chuttersnap, Daniele La Rosa Messina, Frederic Paulussen, Hansjorg Keller, Igor Omilaev, Patrick Federi, S. Laiba Ali, Scott Graham, Tingey Injury Law Firm.